The Révérence Scholarship for Dance Arts
The Révérence Scholarship for Dance Arts is being offered by Tupelo Ballet, a 501c(3) organization established in 1982. A révérence in dance refers to the last exercise of a class as a finish to the class and a gesture of mutual appreciation between a teacher and a student. This scholarship is designed to reward the efforts of a senior student as a final appreciation to their contribution to dance arts as a high school student.
Two scholarships of $1500 will be awarded annually and paid directly to the honoree.
Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Be a college-bound high school senior
Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Enrolled in an official school of dance in Lee County, Mississippi, and trained in any dance genre.
Selection Criteria
The selection committee is made up of a panel of three community leaders who share a devotion to dance arts and have no current affiliation with the Tupelo Ballet organization. The scholarship will be awarded based on the following criteria:
Demonstrated appreciation for dance arts
Recommendation and Reference
Video performance
Academic Standing
Application Requirements
To be considered for The Révérence Scholarship for Dance Arts, applicants must complete the following application packet and submit it by April 19, 2024.
Application Form
High School Transcript, including GPA
One letter of recommendation from a non-family member to speak to your character (teacher, community leader, mentor, etc)
Application Essay—in no more than 500 words, give a self-description, explain your dance experience, and share the impact dance has had on your life.
Performance Video—email a one-minute video of you performing a dance selection of your choice. This can be from a previous dance performance or a personal video.
All of the aforementioned items must be submitted before the application will be considered. Submissions will be accepted via email at info@tupeloballet.com or mailed to Tupelo Ballet, 2224 West Jackson Street, Tupelo, MS 38801, or to your high school counselor.